Tuesday, July 12, 2016


The plane is beginning its descent to Tel Aviv. I am excited to be returning to Israel. It has been more than a year since I have walked the streets of Israel, breathed its air, been immersed in its culture and its reality. It strikes me that reading about Israel in Chicago, following its newspapers on a daily basis, reading the latest books on her is like having a friend that you only communicate through email. It's informative but without the full nuance of connecting face to face. There is nothing like being in Israel to truly understand her, its people, its successes and its challenges. 

I am privileged to travel on an AIPAC Rabbinic educational mission. During the course of my week here, we will have the opportunity to meet with some of the most influential thinkers and leaders in Israel today: Israelis and Palestinians. I come with a number of questions, concerns and hopes. I look forward to sharing what I learn and see. However, the fact remains that as many times I have visited Israel the thrill of landing at Ben Gurion airport still feels miraculous. Coming home, to Israel always brings the words of the Shehiyanu to my lips: "Thank you God for allowing me to reach this day"

I had the opportunity to hear from Yossi Klein Halevy this evening. As always, he was informative, thoughtful and honest. One leaves after hearing his words with a deeper understanding of the issues, the challenges facing Israelis, and despite everything, the remarkable spirit of this country. How will the country go forward and with who? What is the future of Israeli democracy? These are the existential questions of Israel in 2016.

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